Sunday, July 21, 2013



Headed to the airport in T-Minus 3 hours!!  

♥ Shelli
Day 7 of 365

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Sleep at a decent time tonight???!!!???

Could it be that I'm actually going to actually go to bed and FALL ASLEEP before 2:30 a.m.??

I had an ALL DAY event today in the HEAT and I think it completely drained me!  
It's 8 o'clock p.m. and I feel like as soon as I lay my head down on my pillow I'll be out for the count!


Is it a good thing that I go to bed??  I still have to pack yet!! 
I haven't packed ONE single thing and in about 34 hours I'll be on an airplane.....


I think SLEEP is going to win this one!

Night all!

Day 6 of 365

Friday, July 19, 2013

Procrastination at it's finest!'s the scoop.

It's almost 10 p.m. on Friday night.  I have an ALL DAY event tomorrow from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. for which I have to be there at 8 a.m. to set up.  Said event is located about a half hour away so long story short, I need to be up at 6 a.m. and out the door by 7:00 to be on the safe side.

I have an ALL DAY event on Sunday from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

My plane leaves at 6 a.m. Monday morning which means I have to be at the airport by at least 4:30 a.m.  Said airport is an hour and a half away.  So...I need to leave no later than 2:45 a.m. to be on the safe side.  You know what that means?  I have to be up by at least 1:45 a.m. Monday morning.


While that is NOT my suitcase, it might as well be.  ::: sigh::::

I swear, I'm usually NOT this person who waits till the last possible minute.  Normally, I'd have every.single.thing laid out all ready to be packed ~ but absolutely NOTHING has been 'normal' for me for the past year.

I'm afraid this is what my packing is going to look like:

I'm absolutely kicking myself in the rear for procrastinating.  But....I have faith in myself!  I'll be just fine.
(I figure if I keep telling myself that, I'll believe it).

I'm also debating on what Purse to bring, what 'personal item' to bring, what to use as a carry on and all that kind of stuff.  Sheesh.....I'm about ready to just pack toiletries and go on a shopping spree for what I need when I get there.  But then I remind myself .......


So with that said.....I better get a move on!  Here's to wishing me luck!!

♥ Shelli
Day 5 of 365

Thursday, July 18, 2013

T-Minus 2 Sleeps!!

Do you ever get like overly excited prior to going on vacation?  Well, normally I don't.  As I've shared in my Blog Post HERE, I'm a planner.  I'm usually more anxious that everything will transpire as I have planned out.  If we need to be all packed and ready to head out the door by 10:00 a.m., we'd better be packed and out the door by 9:59 a.m.!!!  I'm checking lists....making sure what needed to be done is done...I'm already planning 5 steps ahead!

So, needless to say, this time around, I'm totally EXCITED about my upcoming trip in 4 days!!

Nervousness is another feeling I'm experiencing about  next week.  Nervous for several different reasons!!  First and foremost, for the past couple of months, because of the crap I've been going thru with a certain jerk/stalker/psycho/narcissistic/pompous individual, I've developed a habit of always looking over my shoulder...on more than one occasion he just happens to show up at Starbucks when I'm there....or he just happens to be know that I've been somewhere, etc.  So, I can't shake the feeling that someway, somehow he'll pop up in Chicago.  I get this vision that I'll be out sight seeing with the gals and he'll just BE THERE.  Ugh.

Secondly, I feel nervous because there are some AMAZING women with whom I've come to grow close to via Facebook that I'll be meeting in real live for the first time ever!!!  Excited to finally meet them, but nevertheless still nervous!!

While it's just about midnight here on the West Coast, it's close enough for me to say that I have 2 SLEEPS LEFT before my much needed get away!!!  EEEKKKKK.

I'll leave you with a few pictures of what awaits me:

♥ Shelli
Day 4 of 354

 The AMAZING 42nd Floor Indoor Pool

 The AMAZING 42nd Floor Indoor Hot Tub

 The AMAZING 42nd Floor Indoor GYM

The AMAZING view!!!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

"Faith Bags"

A few years ago I stumbled upon an advertisement for a Fundraiser.  The organization was soliciting donations for things to be provided in "Journey Bags".

There are over 300,00 children in the Foster Care System at any one given point in time. They have nothing to call their own and while more often than not, families step in to help;  often times however, they find themselves either not in a position financially or are physically/mentally unprepared to do so.
Only licensed foster parents are eligible to receive a full financial reimbursement from the State, and in most cases, family members are not licensed foster parents. So....the financial burden is too much and the children are once again moved to new foster homes.

Children often come into foster care with nothing but the clothes on their backs.  "Journey Bags" are bags/backpacks filled with personal items for them to use when they are abruptly taken out of their home.

I've started a plight to do something very similar to Journey Bags....I'm going to do "Faith Bags".  These bags will contain personal items as well as other things, age appropriate, such as books and travel games, etc.

Thirty One Bags has these 'memory pouches' in a variety of patterns, and I think I'm going to use these as our "Faith Bags".  I'm a Thirty One Consultant, so I'm going to take advantage at every opportunity to get these at free or discounted price!  I've already started a collection and I am 6 bags strong!!!
In the very near future, I'll be hosting a "Faith Bag Fundraiser Party", so stay tuned for it!!

My goal is to solicit donations from anyone and everywhere of Toiletries and Personal Care Items, Books, Games, Stuffed Animals, Bibles, etc.  Anything that these children, of all ages, can call their own and take with them on their journey.

My ULTIMATE goal is to be able to prepare anywhere between 25 to 40 of these Faith Bags by Christmas of this year.  So with that being said....I'm going to let the planner in me get the ball rolling!!

Until tomorrow~

♥ Shelli
Day 3 of 365

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Are you a Planner??

If there's ONE thing that I've learned throughout this 'journey' I'm on, it's this: 


"Rome wasn't built in a day"
A famous English translation of a French Phrase we refer to from time to time...well at least I do.  

I know that I can't get to the finish line in one giant leap...I have to start off with 'baby steps' day at a time.  Taking things day by day.  It's hard for me to do so, but it's a process in which I'm still learning ~ and it's working.  I just have to keep telling myself "baby steps".......

I'm a planner; I have lists; I'm organized; I'm a planner; I'm detail oriented; I'M A PLANNER!  So, needless to say, I set a goal and I strive for it.....I PLAN on reaching said goal like it was YESTERDAY.  I've finally resigned myself to the fact that things that are on such a large scale as this don't always work out the way you planned.  No matter how hard you will it to be done and over fast you knock out those "to do's" on your list, it doesn't always work out in your favor.

That up there, ISN'T my planner, but I do have three of them I use.  Yes, I know, I're probably thinking "What?  Three?"  But yes, I do have THREE planners....not including my calendar on my Lap Top. However, I WANT ONE LIKE THAT!  :)

 My most favorite Planner to date is my Erin Condren Planner.  It's AMAZING!  It's pretty pricey, but it's totally PERFECT for me.  I got to create my own cover and I absolutely love all the inserts!  If you're a Plannerholic like myself, what's YOUR favorite Planner?

♥ Shelli
Day 2 of 365

Monday, July 15, 2013

New Beginnings.....

And so I 'start over' again.......

Life has a way of consistently throwing curve balls....many handle it just fine while others struggle.  I've been thrown one hell of a curve ball and about the ultimate struggle! 

 I'm known to be 'strong', 'resilient', 'level headed', etc., but I tell you what....THIS ONE'S A DOOZY!!

I used to Blog daily in the past and did so consistently.  EVERY.SINGLE.DAY!  Until this thing called "life" happened and blogging took a back seat.  As I continue to struggle with this life-altering experience I seem to be wrapped up in, I thought I'd do something for ME.  Something that would help me #1, journal my feelings ~ get it off my chest (so to speak) and #2, do something that I enjoyed in the past and will continue to do so going forward!!

I'll share snippets of what it is exactly I'm going thru and slowly but surely ya'll get the whole scoop ~ but first, let's just start by me sharing that DIVORCE is not something FUN.  Especially when the other party to this cause is a narcisistic, bipolar, lying, self-centered, cheating, pompous, arrogant jerk!!

I know, I know.....everyone says that about their spouse when they're going thru something like this, but after reading some of the things I share, you'll tend to agree with me.  :)

What IS exciting for me though is this:   THIS TIME NEXT WEEK I'LL BE IN CHICAGO!!!! And I am so stinkin' excited, I just can't wait!!!!

I'm an Independent Consultant with a company called Perfectly Posh (check out my webiste: and I'm going to LEADERSHIP, immediately followed by UnConventional 2 !! 

I can't express enough how BADLY I need this.  I've been surrounded by so much negativity, it'll be awesome to be around such uplifting, encouraging women (and men) and to just 'get away' from it all even if just for 6 days!

Ahhhh......for now, I'm committing to go back to what I enjoyed for a little 'quiet time'...some 'ME' time!  I'm committing to blog EVERY.SINGLE.DAY. for 365 days!  I'm journaling my daily, everyday life.  So, stay tuned, grab a glass of wine and enjoy this roller coaster ride I call LIFE with Shelli!  :)

♥ Shelli
Day 1 of 365